Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

The Beauty of Kawah Putih

Kawah Putih is a striking crater lake and tourist spot in a volcanic crater about 50 km south of Bandung in West Java in Indonesia.  Kawah Putih lake (7.10° S 107.24° E) is one of the two craters which make up Mount Patuha, an andesitic stratovolcano (a "composite" volcano).  Mt Patuha is one of numerous volcanoes in Java. Kawah Putih crater lake itself represents a relatively stable volcanic system with no records of significant activity since around 1600. The surrounding area is heavily forested. There is a pathway down to the lake which is surrounded by the high walls of the crater nestling into the side of Mt Patuha. The smell of sulfur is strong because there is a good deal of steam and sulfurous gas bubbling from the lake. There are tracks around the lake and through the nearby forest including to the peak of Mt Patuha. Visitors can walk around the crater area or sit in the various shelters.

Access is gained from the left of the main road travelling south by entering the park and proceeding along a 5 km access road. The main road is the busy road south from Bandung through the town of Soreang, the capital of the Bandung District, continuing down through the crowded Pasir Jambu township. Minibuses ply the route southwards from Bandung and, depending on traffic, can take up to two hours to reach the entrance to the Kawah Putih area. There are many thousands of small market-crop farmers in the fertile valley to the south of Bandung which leads up towards the Kawah Putih area. Local food-crops grown include a wide range of fruits and vegetables. A strawberry industry is well-established in the area and many strawberry farms have fruit for sale along the side of the highway. Accommodation is available at various hotels in the Patuha area close to the nearby town of Ciwidey and also in Soreang.

Comment :
In my opinion, when I was on holiday in the Kawah Putih with my family, I was amazed to treat the incredible natural scenery. Cover greenish-white crater really spoil the eye. The forests that surround the Kawah Putih is still very protected and beautiful. Plus the cool, distant air that must be able to bewitch us to be here longer or come back here again. So I suggest if you want to find a tour, please come to the Kawah Putih!

Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

Maraknya Pencurian Motor di Kawasan Perumahan

BEKASI - Aksi pencurian sepeda motor di kawasan perumahan SBS semakin marak terjadi. Belum lama ini sebuah sepeda motor merk Mio Soul milik Hanifah (18) raib digondol oleh sang maling. Tepatnya pada Rabu 10/10/12,  Hanifah memarkirkan motor kesayangannya itu di luar rumahnya saat maghrib tiba.Tak berapa lama sekitar 30 menit seusai menunaikan sholat, Mio Soul berwarna silver itu sudah hilang.

“ Padahal belum ditinggal lama, tapi ketika saya ingin menggunakan motor untuk les bimbel, motornya sudah tidak ada. Saya kira dipinjam kakek saya, nyatanya malah dicuri maling,” tutur Hanifah.

Setelah dilansir, ternyata sang maling sudah lama mengintai dan memperhatikan keteledoran sang korban yang sering memarkirkan motornya di luar rumah. Hingga pada saat suasana perumahan sepi dan waktu maghrib tiba, dimana kebanyakan warga lebih memilih berada di dalam rumah masing-masing. Sang maling berhasil melancarkan aksinya.

Bukan hanya satu atau dua kali kasus ini terjadi. Sudah banyak korban yang mengaku sepeda motornya raib digondol maling. Maka dari itu, tingkat kewaspadaan warga harus ditingkatkan. Seperti tidak sembarang memarkirkan sepeda motor atau paling tidak memasang alarm anti maling yang saat ini mulai laku di pasaran. 



In the beginning, human communication relies heavily on word of mouth communications. Historical records relating to the issuance of the mass media discovery triggered the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg.
In Indonesia, the development activities initiated by the Dutch journalism. Some freedom fighters Indonesia has used journalism as a tool of struggle. In these eras of the Eastern Star, Western Star, Java Bode, Medan Prijaji, and Java Bode published.
During the occupation of Japan took power, the newspapers are prohibited. Eventually, however, there are five licensed media issue: Asia King, Tjahaja, New Light, the Light of the Sun, Sound and Asia.
Indonesia's independence was a blessing for journalism. The Indonesian government uses Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) as a communication medium.
Ahead of the Asian Games IV, the government include television projects. Since 1962 it is Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI) appears with black and white screen technology.
In the reign of President Suharto, a lot going on prohibition (suppression) media.
Daily Case of Indonesia Raya and Tempo are two obvious examples in this power sensor.
This control is held by the Ministry of Information (Deppen) and the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI).
The point of freedom of the press began to be felt again when BJ Habibie succeeded Suharto as President, in 1998. Many mass media that emerged later and PWI are no longer the only professional journalism organizations.
Journalism activities regulated by the Law on Broadcasting and Journalism Code of Ethics issued by the Press Council.

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012



Menurut Soetomo (1994:25) yang di dasarkan pada ketentuan WATA (World Association of Travel Agent = Perhimpunan Agen Perjalanan Sedunia), wisata adalah perjalanan keliling selama lebih dari tiga hari, yang diselenggarakan oleh suatu kantor perjalanan di dalam kota dan acaranya antara lain melihat-lihat di berbagai tempat atau kota baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri.

Menurut A.J. Burkart dan S. Medik (1987)
Pariwisata adalah perpindahan orang untuk sementara dan dalam jangka waktu pendek ke tujuan- tujuan diluar tempat dimana mereka biasanya hlidup dan bekerja dan kegiatan-kegiatan mereka selama tinggal di tempat-tempat tujuan itu.

Menurut Hunziger dan krapf dari swiss dalam Grundriss Der Allgemeinen Femderverkehrslehre, menyatakan pariwisata adalah keserluruhan jaringan dan gejala-gejala yang berkaitan dengan tinggalnya orang asing disuatu tempat dengan syarat orang tersebut tidak melakukan suatu pekerjaan yang penting (Major Activity) yang memberi keuntungan yang bersifat permanent maupun sementara.

Menurut Prof. Salah Wahab dalam Oka A Yoeti (1994, 116.). Pariwisata dalah suatu aktivitas manusia yang dilakukan secara sadar yang mendapat pelayanan secara bergantian diantara orang-orang dalam suatu Negara itu sendiri/ diluar negeri, meliputi pendiaman orang-orang dari daerah lain untuk sementara waktu mencari kepuasan yang beraneka ragam dan berbeda dengan apa yang dialaminya, dimana ia memperoleh pekerjaan tetap.

Menurut saya pariwisata adalah suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan seseorang/lebih dan telah direncanakan, dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan kepuasaan dengan  cara bepergian ke banyak tempat yang menarik untuk didatangi serta menikmati segala fasilitas yang disediakan, namun waktunya bersifat sementara.

sumber :